Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Homework and Goals - Week 2

1. Emotional Goal - Read "Do You Have Faulty Thinking?" link on the main page of the blog in the homework links. Determine which kinds of faulty thinking have kept you from any goal and challenge that thinking by writing down the real truth.Example: All or Nothing Thinking - I just went over my weight watcher points, so I might as well eat the rest of the ice cream, then I can start fresh tomorrow. Truth - I wouldn't even gain a pound with one slip up, it's the "night before the diet" mentality that's causing problems.

2. Food Goal - Read "Why Drink Water?" link. Write down a reason you should drink more water. Start replacing your usual drink with water and work your way up to 64oz a day. Make sure your never too far from a bathroom :)

3. Exercise Goal - Do at least 75 minutes of any exercise of your choice over the course of the week. If you are just starting out, go as long as you can and try to add a minute each time you exercise.


Heather said...

If I had to choose one of the faulty thinking choices it would have to be "All Or Nothing Thinking." There have been tons of times I have started a diet and have found myself getting into the junk food and eating just one piece of something and thinking "well now I blew it" so I will eat two or three more pieces of whatever it is I was eating and not realizing that, that one piece would not have killed me and I would not have gained 10 pounds! Then I will just get upset with myself and tell myself "I will start again in the morning" and what seems to be a vicious circle keeps coming around and I find myself doing the same thing all over again and before I know it I'm completely off my diet! The truth of the matter is I need to realize its okay to have a snack every once in awhile just in moderation and not go over board! As for drinking more water after reading that link how could you not want to drink more water? I didnt realize how important it was for your body, I knew you needed it but just didnt realize how much! I have started drinking more as of today and hope to be able to drink at least 4 bottles of 16.9 OZ a day :) And at first when I saw the 75 minutes when it came to the exercise goal I freaked out, I was like "Is she trying to kill me?" but then realized it was about 15 minutes a day and I think I can handle it! I did "watch" my work out video last night when I got home, (I know that sounds awful!!) and plan to start it this evening no if, and's or but's about it!

Jennifer said...

Great job Heather! The first step is admitting it, right? :) I am definitely an All or Nothing kind of gal! I have had 75 lbs of "I'll just eat the rest of this, so I won't be tempted to eat it later!" Is that sick or what? It doesn't even make any sense. I'm trying to replace my coffee with water in the morning - Yikes! As far as the exercise goes - I try and trick myself into doing it by setting a timer for 5 minutes and then just commiting to 5 minutes of a video. I always end up doing more, because I'm already there doing it. Just go as long as you can and make that your starting point, then add a minute each time you exercise. Everybody has to start somewhere! I'm so excited that you're doing this...see you soon!

tanya said...

i totally understand! that's how i ate all those stinkin cookies last week! NO MORE!!!! i don't have to wait till the next day to start over, i'll start over immediately.

Camelia said...

I'm so glad you have decided to do this, now lets offically get you started..Make a date to weigh in and join the race!! You know as well as I do you have to do this, not only for your health but for you personally. I will be here to support you no matter what so don't be discouraged and what ever you do don't let satan rule your life with fear. God gives us all the strength to do any and all things and fear is not one of them. I just want you to know that God gives us a spirit of Joy, Happiness, Peace, Love and so much more. I believe in you..Trust in the Lord with all your heart. And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths... Proverbs 3:5-6 Hey don't worry everything will be just great!!!